Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


BarCampMiami Audio: Podcasting is not about Tools

Mon, 03/03/2008 - 09:52 -- rprice


Download BarCampMiami Audio: Podcasting is not about Tools

Had a great talk of about 35 minutes. I will link to folks' blogs and stuff in a few minutes, but I just realised I hadn't posted this yet. Flash player coming soon too.

Some talking points:


New Media 'Think and Drink' at Red Light, Red Light Saturday Jan 5th at 5:30pm

Mon, 12/31/2007 - 10:15 -- rprice

More than a year ago, I hatched an idea about uniting the creative communities around Florida under a common banner at a Creative Summit. We are much closer to such an event now, but still so far away. After doing a dance in several directions, we came up with a Think and Drink.

Event Info & RSVP


Watch A Local Folkus, Learn About Central Florida's Local Food Movement

Thu, 12/20/2007 - 12:06 -- rprice

I finally got to watch John Rife's awesome locavore video, and I now feel very educated and inspired to explore and sample some of the places and foods he intoduces us to in his first installment of A Local Folkus.


2 Weeks Away from Blogging

Thu, 10/18/2007 - 21:15 -- rprice

I haven't announced this yet, but in an effort to get Petentials launched that much sooner, I decided I was going to take a month off of blogging - it's more like 2 weeks off, 2 weeks in England, 2 more weeks off.

Still, I find that in the past several weeks, between moving downtown, ELLA Fest and Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal, I've missed hearing about what's going on with my friends and the people I follow but haven't yet befriended.


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