Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Did I Mention Florida Creatives?

Tue, 01/16/2007 - 03:16 -- rprice

Holy crap, kids. You know how to Happy Hour.

Most of these updates and things will be posted to the site, because I make a web page for everything. If I sneeze, I buy a domain name for that too.

Still, we had easily 40 people show up to the event last night, with lots of bloggers throwing in their two cents.


Orlando Named by WiRED as a Top 10 Geek Mecca

Fri, 01/05/2007 - 12:48 -- rprice

Wired 15.01: 10 Top Tech Towns

All that Battlestar Galactica will come in handy: Walt Disney World and Epcot actually pay you to make the unreal seem real. When you're ready to engage with planet Earth again, check out the city's craigslist site, one of the most happening in the country.



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