Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Blogbait for Dan Rua

Thu, 08/09/2007 - 17:53 -- rprice

If you don't know Dan Rua, know that he is a Venture Capitalist who invested in PayPerPost, an Orlando-based business. He's a Managing Partner of Inflexion Partners, "Florida's Venture Fund", and a part-time blogger. In addition to geeky stuff, he also posts about biotech and UF/Gainesville (his alma mater) quite often.


If Digg is Mob Mentality, Pownce is a Clique

Sat, 06/30/2007 - 09:12 -- rprice

I recently posted a comment on Mashable I'd like to share with you, my subscribers. The post was Rise of the Rose Bashers? and it pointed out people who have never used Kevin Rose & company's new IM/filesharing service, Pownce.


OrlandoScene.TV and Video on Revver

Tue, 06/19/2007 - 22:16 -- rprice
Categories: Returns

Tue, 05/29/2007 - 21:37 -- rprice

For about the last week, has been down due to the fact that I had to move it to another server ASAP - my email wasn't working, and it was on the list of things to do for about 2 months anyway. The site used 80GB in the month of April (or thereabout). 80GB is nothing to scoff at.

I think I might start hosting my files on Amazon S3 or Cachefly or something as long as it's cheaper than hosting. We shall see.

The important news is: your feed should be back. It was broken for a while, which must not have been fun.


Orlando Weekly Interview - Thanks Omar

Thu, 05/03/2007 - 17:00 -- rprice

Here's the transcript from my interview with Omar de la Rosa for the Orlando Weekly. It went to print this week on page 30 - the cover story is "Spellbound".

> 1. When did you decide to start this and the other related local-based web
> projects? (like FloridaCreatives)



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