Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Thanks, Florida Creatives!

Tue, 12/19/2006 - 03:58 -- rprice

We had our first Florida Creatives Happy Hour last night, and I must say it was a success.

Big thanks to Marc, Alex, Kathryn, Kait, Emily, Becky, Charles and Ryan (me).

Keep checking Florida Creatives for more details.

Quote of the evening by Becky Lane:

Blogging community?


Florida Creatives Happy Hour 12/18

Sat, 12/16/2006 - 08:44 -- rprice

Dexter's Thorton Park is the home of the event. I will be there from 5:30PM to 9:00PM, all of Monday is Happy Hour at Dexter's.
Check out Florida Creatives for more information.

View this event on as well.


Florida Creatives Happy Hour - Dec 18th

Thu, 12/07/2006 - 06:52 -- rprice

Florida Creatives » Blog Archive » Florida Creatives Happy Hour - Dec 18th
The first post here on Florida Creatives will be to announce our first networking event! One of the goals of this podcast is to serve the community of entrepreneurs, filmmakers, thespians, bloggers and podcasters, artists, designers, architects - all are welcome at this event. The goal is to start a discussion amongst these groups and stir things up in Florida.


Wired 14.12: The Secret World of Lonelygirl

Wed, 11/29/2006 - 12:55 -- rprice

If you haven't heard of lonelygirl15, what digital rock have you been hiding under lately? If you don't know she's fake - sorry, but it's true. This article in WiRED magazine tells the whole story, as well as really hitting a sweet chord for aspiring internet media producers such as myself. Oh, and it also says 'NUTS' to a friend of mine who says "people will never watch content on mobile phones". That's right. Nuts to you!


David Heinemeier Hansson + Jason Fried = Jim + Tammy Faye Bakker?

Thu, 10/26/2006 - 13:36 -- rprice

Thank you for 37 Signals. I've been watching David Heinemeier Hansson's RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address about CRUD and REST, and some of these quotes are great for people who have been in the trenches.

If you're defining a new schema [in Rails], and you want to use composite primary keys, YOU'RE INSANE!


Being Spaces (Coworking) & Brand Spaces (Pop-Up Marketing)

Thu, 10/12/2006 - 20:23 -- rprice

Thanks to Sull on the Coworking mailing list for posting this article. Very cool.


The article defines "Being Space"...

Sociologist Ray Oldenburg coined 'The Third Place' in his 1990 book 'The Great Good Place', and described it as a celebration of the places where people can regularly go to take it easy and commune with friends, neighbours, and whoever else shows up.


Looking for Work

Thu, 10/05/2006 - 10:56 -- rprice

To all of my, oh, three readers out there, be it known that I am now out of a paying gig. The circumstances of how I got in to this situation are meant to be kept undisclosed, but let's just say I'm not too broken up by it. Time to move on and move up... I hope.

The first question to ask would be "What are your strengths?" Why would someone want to hire me? And for myself, What am I looking for?



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