Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

Five Things You Don't Know About Me...

Wed, 12/20/2006 - 18:09 -- rprice

Here's the history of it so far -- Me » Alex Rudloff » Chris Finke » C.K. Sample » Jason Calacanis » Amanda Congdon » Michael Ambs » Rick Rey » Steve Woolf » Steve Garfield » Jeff Pulver.
This is this really neat thing bloggers have been doing to raise their search engine rank recently. It is really neat because it gives you some insight into things one might not normally read on that person's blog... oh, that's a bit redundant, eh? Here goes, and I am stealing some of my ideas for things you don't know from Alex who tagged me.

  1. My brothers and I have been doing homemade video since I was very young, like 8 years old or so. I did videos with puppets, titles, A/B editing and even some rudimentary compositing. We were called PFN, for "Price Family Network". Props to my dad for buying that video equipment.
  2. I am seecretly a fan of some girly stuff from the 80's... like the Rainbow Brite motion picture. I have no idea why, the imagery from that film just sticks in my head. Maybe I just like flying robot horses A LOT!
  3. I met my girlfriend on a dating site. I have actually met some very nice people through that site, I should be Web 2.0 and donate money to them sometime. I owe them some good times.
  4. I used to think I was going to be a technical director for 3D graphics in films and TV. I even took some community college classes when I was in Michigan to try and get some more 3D creative experience, but I just kept coming back to the web.
  5. I was in two service fraternities in college, one for community service and one for service to the college band. That makes me an Eagle Scout and a card-carrying band nerd at the same time.

Ok, I guess next comes tagging of other people.
Charles Krueger, Mark Baratelli, Marc Sirdoreous, The Orlando Fringe Festival, Orlando Theatre.


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