Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


(Blogging) Celebrities Add Value to a Company

Thu, 09/14/2006 - 02:09 -- rprice

I have just been saying something that is supported by today's episode of rocketboom for quite some time.

The first half of the video (0:00-2:48) talks about how having a community both contributing and adding value to content creates a much more rich experience than any single entity could provide, then the Frenchman asks, "So you think business could benefit from this type of collaboration?" See the resulting discussion (2:48-5:12).

Backlash from Facebook and Digg users

Thu, 09/07/2006 - 07:38 -- rprice

Why, Facebook?

"Social networks to date have been these big unmanageable messes. Facebook is addressing that by giving users a tool to consolidate the information they care about." -Fred Wilson, via Scripting News

"one user, one vote--that's the rule" say the top 5 digg users after Jay and Kevin promise to take the wieght off of top voter's diggs.


Busy Busy

Wed, 05/24/2006 - 09:09 -- rprice

Before I get too far, I just want to mention this huge announcement:

Liberatr Presents Marc with a C at Stardust
Friday, June 2nd, 9PM, Stardust Video and Coffee

With Special Guests:
The Stand-up Comedy of Carin
and Hollywood Beach Brian

Not to be missed! Your favorite podcast personalities will also be there, doing what they do for fun, watching shows and podcasting!


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