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Where is the video crew in this film?

Mon, 01/02/2012 - 06:43 -- rprice

The Kogeto is an exciting piece of hardware for any video geeks our there: It films in a full 360ª panorama, and comes with special software to be able to upload and view the video. They also have an iPhone version. Watching this video just now, I see that there are a ton of new tricks that can be employed when filming "in the round". However, I have a similar thought every time I watch one of Disney's 360 films at Epcot: where is the film crew? Unless they are laying on the ground under the camera. Where is the director?


How to: New Google Analytics Widgets & Dashboard

Sat, 09/17/2011 - 11:02 -- rprice

The most popular (and free) system for web analytics has got a new interface, so I decided to give a quick tour of the home screen and share three widgets I like to use to get an overview of the activity on my websites.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but these are things I am interested in right now:


Google Plus, a lot like Buzz so far

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 23:39 -- rprice

I remember the first few days that Buzz was around... there was some activity there, the tech people were all talking about it (plus the obvious privacy backlash). Then it died. It died a quiet lonely death, and nobody smelled the body until a few years later...

When Google+ started.

Will this "project" go the way of Wave, Jaiku, and Dodgeball? Will they open source Hangouts, like they supposedly open sourced Wave?



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