Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

July 2007 Posts

Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook

Tue, 07/31/2007 - 09:27 -- rprice

Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook -- what do they all have in common? Open platforms.

Bug Labs is developing BUG, an open, modular, consumer electronics web services hardware platform. Designed for the general audience, not just the technically inclined, BUG is intended to bring to the world of hardware gadgets what the Internet, open source, XML and web services have brought to the world of software and media.

(blank) is developing (blank), an open, modular, web services platform. (Insert name of company here)

I was saying today that a possible future step for Facebook will be to release the FBML interpereter as a platform you can install on your web server and integrate into your app. Now they have a dead-simple web services framework. Will they do it? Is it smart? Can they make money? Keep hold of their audience? Achieve "Web OS" status?

BUG is supposed to have Wi-Fi, a GPS, a screen, USB, and the processor. Dave Winer had the first mention I saw of the device. He was one of the guys pushing the open-source podcast device a while back, so I'll bet he's pretty excited about this.

More thoughts on this later, for now I have to get back to work.


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Likemind.orl on Friday, Florida Creatives Follow-Up

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:07 -- rprice

Our monthly "coffee and coworking" event is happening this Friday, Likemind.orl, sponsored by Anomaly. Piers and Noah will be celebrating one year of in New York, and we're going to help them (sleepily) in Orlando by drinking coffee near Lake Eola at an early hour. There will be nametags, Alex, Ryan (me) and a small cast of people who work downtown. We are encouraged to take pictures (I'm thinking video, less caption-writing...) and upload them to flickr tagged with "likemind".

8:00 AM - ?11:00AM
Lake Eola Panera Bread
Northeast Corner of the lake
Corner of Robinson and Eola Dr.

A big thanks to everyone who came out to Florida Creatives on Monday - the strong presences by NFI Studios and the SomaCow Media Network make me feel really good about the long-term validity of a local "glue network" where groups gather in one big meta-group. Now we just need more traditional artists to realise the value of the group (or to check their email, is there some better way we can get to them?). We are doing well with the new media types and programmers, and I'm very very glad we can get together and openly discuss what's going on with us, with out community, and the rest of the world.

There are people I run into around town - poets, artists, musicians, filmmakers, actors and the like who I actively recruit to attend, yet haven't been able to make it yet. We had a remote happy hour across the street from the Enzian once, and that had a great film turn-out in addition to the regular gang. The Fringe Festival meetup kindof got lost in the general hullaballoo, and I think some active flyering can help at big events and remote events.


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I'm outta here!

Fri, 07/06/2007 - 14:40 -- rprice

Update: Oops! somehow this didn't get posted! Here it is a few days late.

Wow, the "B" terminal at the Orlando airport has certainly looked better - I'm flying US Air today (because I was trying to save $50 and they had a cheaper flight to Manchester, NH), and the 50-59 wing is looking ragged. At least the free wi-fi still works.

I left my MacBook power cord safely at home -- feeling really great about having to find a big-box computer store in rural Maine. If you live there, or New York City or Boston, comment on this post and we'll get in touch.

I'm hoping to get in some quality time with the kids from Fractured Atlas (and Six Characters), and I'm sending a random email to Loren Feldman to see if he responds. It would also be cool to hook up with Piers or Noah from Likemind, since I have an Orlando chapter (the next meeting is the 20th).

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I'm in Maine/NYC/Boston

Fri, 07/06/2007 - 14:37 -- rprice

Been doing a little Twittering, but not much because I left my cell phone AND laptop chargers in Orlando... Paying my credit card bill over dial-up at Kait's dad's house right now... Been having a good time in Maine. The first day I got here, I was running on 3 hours sleep (not conting airplane time), and we went to two adjoining 4J parties, one with Beer Die (like Beer Pong with a 6-sided die) and an old black woman shouting "Point! Point! Drink! Drink!" Then there was another party with free beer and a keg of PBR - it always tastes better free....

It started raining about 15 mins before fireworks were meant to start, so they started them immediately. We were up on a hill, so we just walked down a bit until there was a break in the trees and watched (mostly dry) under a tree... We also had PFA cheese platters and Pizza at an italian place down the hill with Kait's flatmate's brother and best friend and mom and her best friend. Don't try to sort it out, it only get wierder when we learned that Kyle's old roomate used to date Kait's sister before he came out...

The next day we (skipped over a few details and) made our way back to Portland to check out some shops and handcrafted beers (video coming soon). We were meant to go on a Whale Watch today in Kennebunkport (that's where George H Bush's house is), but it was rained out, so we watched Ratatouile instead (awesome, Brad Bird is the man) and went for lobster at a not-so swell place (agian, video coming soon).

This weekend we're visitng Kait's friend in Mass. and busing it down to NYC - should arrive on Sunday night, where we'll be laying our heads in Queens until Thursday or so... on the list of places to visit are coffee with Loren Felman, interviews with Fractured Atlas, some Broadway shows (not sure what, as long as they're cheap), some drinking, eating, dancing? etc....

Then it's off to Boston until Sunday, when I return home, because the next Florida Creatives Happy Hour is Monday the 16th at Crooked Bayou. A whistelstop tour of New England, and I must say, it's delicious sofar.

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