Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Sun, 12/14/2014 - 07:51 -- rprice

Every project, from small brochure sites to large webapps all have a core set of intake requirements that need to be determined before development work can begin. Designed as the deliverable for these core requirements, Intake Center aims to make it easy to ensure these deliverables for Content Strategy are complete and available before development starts. To start, please enter your Project's Name: Intake Center is divided into four sections that should be done in succession: Vision Statement - (from Project Vision) User Personas - (from User Personas) Content Models - (from Content Modeling) Intake Center's Project Roles (from Roles and Responsibilities) section should be built up as the team to create a project is ready. It will most likely start with the Product Owner and Project Manager roles, as well as any other roles that are needed initially. As other team members become available and are added to the project, their roles and responsibilities should be included. Neither content inventory nor content audit are direct deliverables and as such, they are not included in this tool; however, they should absolutely still be completed prior to Content Modeling in order to get an understanding of a project's content for the Content Models.