Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

Tetropolis - Tetropolis

Sat, 08/09/2014 - 13:35 -- rprice

Tetropolis is a puzzle platformer taking elements from classical Metroidvanias and falling block puzzle games, focusing on platforming, puzzle solving, exploration and discovery. You play as a discarded falling block puzzle piece that tumbles its way through the world. Much like other metroidvanias, you will acquire abilities that will offer offensive as well as movement capabilities. Tetropolis, however, also provides different shapes you may obtain which you can morph into at any point in time. Each of these shapes has its own unique set of abilities that will be best suited for different scenarios. In addition to gated progression, power-ups and boss encounters scattered across the world, there is a greater component to the game. The map of Tetropolis is itself a puzzle; once in a control room you may detach, move, rotate and reattach rooms, building new paths to previously inaccessible areas and uncovering secrets. As you modify the map, you directly change the world; rooms and ob